Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Fairy Tail Filler List & Episode to Chapter Conversion Guide

Fairy Tail consists of a total of 328 episodes divided into 9 seasons. Out of these, 52 episodes are filler, accounting for 16% of the anime. If you skip the filler episodes, Fairy Tail would have 276 canon episodes (including 11 omakes), and it would take approximately 92 hours to watch. This saves 17 hours, as watching the entire series, including filler, would take 109 hours.

The anime was broadcast in three parts. The first part consisted of 175 episodes under the title Fairy Tail. The second part had 102 episodes and was titled Fairy Tail 2014. The third and final part comprised 51 episodes and was named Fairy Tail: Final Series.

One Piece Fairy Tail Filler List, Episodes to Skip or Watch
With this Fairy Tail Guide, you will be able to know which episodes are filler or canon.

The best websites and apps to watch Fairy Tail are: Crunchyroll, which provides all episodes both subtitled and dubbed, available in the USA, Canada, and India; Prime Video, another option, though only accessible in Canada and India; Apple TV, available in Australia and the United Kingdom; and Netflix, which offers the anime in India.

Fairy Tail Filler Episodes to Skip

After selecting where to watch the anime, simply follow this episode list, which categorizes episodes by type: filler, canon, or mixed. The list also includes the conversion of episodes to chapters, making it useful for comparing the anime with the manga. The episode color codes are as follows:


These episodes are not adapted from the manga, so it does not follow the original story, we skip these episodes.


These episodes are adapted from the manga, but they have filler fragments, we only watch the marked minutes.


These episodes are adapted to 100% of the manga that follows the story, we watch it all.


These episodes are adapted from the manga, but from single chapters, so it doesn't follow the manga timeline, it's optional to watch.


The movies and ovas will be in chronological order, they are not necessary to watch, but I put them in case you want to watch all the extra material of the anime.

Fairy Tail Episode List by Season:

Season 1 (2009–2010)

The first season has 48 episodes, the openings used are Snow Fairy (1-11), Sense of Wonder (12-24), Ft. (25-35) and Rockin (36-48); the endings used are Kanpeki gu-none (1-11), Tsuioku Merry-Go-Round (12-24), Gomen ne Watashi (25-35) and Kimi ga Iru Kara (36-48). ~ Adapted from manga 1 to 128.

001. The Fairy Tail1
002. Fire Dragon, Monkey, and Bull2, 3
003. Infiltrate the Everlue Mansion4, 5, 6, 7
004. Dear Kaby8, 9
005. The Wizard in Armor10, 11, 12
006. Fairies in the Wind13, 14, 15
007. Flame and Wind16, 17, 18
008. The Strongest Team19, 20, 21
009.Natsu Devours a Village * Omake "Happy's Little Job 1" and "Happy's Little Job 2"OMAKE
010. Natsu vs. Erza22, 23, 24
Sub-Zero Emperor Lyon
011. The Cursed Island25, 26, 27
012. Moon Drip28, 29, 30
013. Natsu vs. Yuka the Wave User30, 31, 32, 33
014. Just Do Whatever!!34, 35, 36
015. Eternal Magic36, 37, 38
016. The Final Showdown on Galuna Island39, 40, 41
017. Burst42, 43, 44
018. Reach the sky45, 46
019.Changeling * FillerN/A
020.Natsu and the Dragon Egg * Omake "Natsu and the Dragon Egg"OMAKE
Phantom Lord
021. The Phantom Lord46, 47, 48
022. Lucy Heartfilia49, 50
023. 15 Minutes51, 52, 53
024. To not see those tears53, 54, 55
025. A Flower Blooms in the Rain56, 57, 58
026. Wings of Flame58, 59, 60
027. The Two Dragon Slayers61, 62, 63
028. Fairy Law64, 65, 66
029. My Resolve66, 67, 68
030. Next Generation69, 70
031. A Star Removed from the Sky71, 72
032. Celestial Spirit King73, 74, 75
Tower of Heaven
033. The Tower of Heaven75, 76, 77
034. Jellal78, 79, 80
035. Voice of Darkness81, 82, 83
036. Heaven's Game84, 85, 86
037. Armor of the Heart87, 88, 89
038. Destiny90, 91, 92, 93
039. Give Our Prayers to the Sacred Light93, 94, 95, 96
040. Titania Falls97, 98, 99
The Battle of Fairy Tail
041. Home100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105
042. Battle of Fairy Tail106, 107, 108
043. Defeat Your Friends to Save Your Friends109, 110, 111
044. Thunder Palace112, 113, 114
045. Advent of Satan115, 116, 117, 118
046. Clash at Kardia Cathedral!119, 120, 121
047. Triple Dragons122, 123, 124
048. Fantasia125, 126, 127, 128

Season 2 (2010–11)

The second season has 24 episodes, the openings used are Egao no Mahou (49-60) and Fiesta (61-72); the endings used are Holy Shine (49-60) and Be as One (61-72). ~ Adapted from manga 129 to 164.

049.(01)The Day of the Fateful Encounter129,
050.(02) Special Request: Watch Out for the Guy You Like! * Omake "Special Mission: Beware of Guys Who Show a Keen Interest!"OMAKE
051.(03)Love & Lucky129, 130
Oración Seis
052.(04)Allied Forces, Assemble!131, 132
053.(05)Enter the Oración Seis!133, 134
054.(06)Maiden of the Sky135, 136
055.(07)The Girl and the Ghost137, 138
056.(08)Dead Grand Prix139, 140
057.(09)Darkness141, 142
058.(10)Celestial Skirmish143, 144
059.(11)Jellal of Days Gone By145, 146
060.(12)March of Destruction147, 148
061.(13)Super Aerial Battle: Natsu vs. Cobra!148, 150
062.(14)Wizard Saint Jura151, 152
063.(15)Your Words153, 154
064.(16)Zero155, 156
065.(17)From Pegasus to Fairies157, 158
066.(18)The Power of Feelings159, 160
067.(19)I'm With You161, 162
068.(20)A Guild for One163, 164
069.(21) Call of the Dragon" * FillerN/A
070.(22) Natsu vs. Gray!!" *FillerN/A
071.(23) Friendship Overcomes the Dead" * FillerN/A
072.(24) A Fairy Tail Wizard" * FillerN/A

Season 3 (2011)

The third season has 28 episodes, the openings used are Evidence (73-85), The Rock City Boy (86-98) and Towa no Kizuna (99-100); the endings used are hitori samishiku(Lonely Person) (73-85), Don't think.Feel!!! (86-98) and Kono te Nobashite (99-100). ~ Adapted from manga 165 to 208.

073.(01)Rainbow Cherry Blossoms" * FillerN/A
074.(02)Wendy's First Big Job!?" *FillerN/A
075.(03)24-Hour Endurance Road Race" * FillerN/A
<--------------------- OVA 1: Welcome to Fairy Hills !! --------------------->
076.(04)Gildarts165, 166
077.(05)Earth Land167, 168
079.(07)Fairy Hunter170
<--------------------- OVA 2: Fairy Academy - Yankee-kun and Yankee-chan --------------------->
080.(08)Key of Hope171, 172
081.(09)Fireball172, 173, 174
082.(10)Welcome Home174, 175
084.(12)Fly, to Our Friends!177
085.(13)Code ETD178, 179
086.(14)Erza vs. Erza180, 181
087.(15)We're Talking About Lives Here!!!!182, 183
088.(16)For Pride's Sake, the River of Stars184, 185
089.(17)The Apocalyptic Dragon Chain Cannon186, 187
090.(18)The Boy Back Then188, 189
091.(19)Dragon Sense190, 191
092.(20)O Living Ones192, 193
093.(21)I'm Standing Right Here194, 195, 196
094.(22)Bye-Bye Edolas196, 197
095.(23)Lisanna198, 199
Tenrou Island
096.(24)He Who Extinguishes Life200
<--------------------- OVA 3: Memorable Days --------------------->
097.(25)Best Partners201, 202
098.(26)Who's the Lucky One?203, 204
099.(27)Natsu vs. Gildarts205, 206
100.(28)Mest207, 208

Season 4 (2011–12)

The fourth season has 25 episodes, the opening used are Towa no Kizuna (101-111), I Wish (112-124) and Hajimari no Sora (125); the endings used are Kono te Nobashite (101-111), Boys be Ambitious!! (112-124) and Glitter (125). ~ Adapted from manga 209 to 257.

101.(01)Black Wizard209, 210
102.(02)Iron Soul211, 212, 213
103.(03)Makarov Charges213, 214, 215
104.(04)Lost Magic216, 217
105.(05)Fire Dragon vs. Flame God218, 219
106.(06)Grand Magic World220, 221
107.(07)Arc of Embodiment222, 223
108.(08)Human Gate224, 225
109.(09)Lucy Fire226, 227
110.(10)Dead-End of Despair228, 229
111.(11)Tears of Love and Vitality230, 231
112.(12)The One Thing I Couldn't Say232, 233
113.(13)Tenrou Tree234, 235
114.(14)Erza vs. Azuma236, 237
115.(15)Freezing Fighting Spirit238, 239
116.(16)Power of Life240, 241
117.(17)Rolling Thunder242, 243, 244
118.(18)The Man Without an Emblem245
119.(19)Realm of the Abyss246, 247
120.(20)Daybreak on Tenrou Island248, 249
121.(21)The Right to Love250, 251
122.(22)Let's Hold Hands252, 253
123.(23)Fairy Tail, Year X791254, 255
124.(24)The Seven Year Gap256, 257
Key of the Starry Sky
125.(25)The Magic Ball * FillerN/A

Season 5 (2012)

The fifth season has 30 episodes, the openings used are Hajimari no Sora (126-137) and Tenohira (138-150; the endings used are Glitter (126-137) and Yell ~ The Thing For Shining (138-150).

126.(01)True Scoundrels – The Butt Jiggle Gang * FillerN/A
127.(02)The Terror of Invisible Lucy! * FillerN/A
128.(03)Father's Memento * FillerN/A
129.(04)Turbulent Showdown! Natsu vs. Laxus *FillerN/A
130.(05)Target: Lucy *FillerN/A
131.(06)The Fury of Legion * FillerN/A
132.(07)Key of the Starry Heavens *FillerN/A
133.(08)Travel Companions *FillerN/A
134.(09)Labyrinth Capriccio *FillerN/A
135.(10)Footprints of the Myth *FillerN/A
136.(11)True Scoundrels, Once Again * FillerN/A
137.(12)Defying Calculation * FillerN/A
138.(13)The Course of the Holy War * FillerN/A
139.(14)Time Begins to Tick *FillerN/A
140.(15)Enter the Neo-Oración Seis! *FillerN/A
141.(16)Get the Infinity Clock! *FillerN/A
142.(17)Dissonance of Battle * FillerN/A
143.(18)Anti-Link * FillerN/A
144.(19)Despair Unleashed * FillerN/A
145.(20)Real Nightmare * FillerN/A
146.(21)Time Spiral * FillerN/A
147.(22)To the Infinity Castle! * FillerN/A
148.(23)Angel Tears * FillerN/A
149.(24)I Hear the Voice of My Friend * FillerN/A
150.(25)Lucy and Michelle * FillerN/A

Season 6 (2012–13)

The sixth season has 20 episodes, the openings used are Breakthrough (151-166) and Yakusoku no Hi (167-175); the endings used are Kimi ga Kureta Mono (151-166) and We're the Stars (167-175). ~ Adapted from manga 258 to 297.

Grand Magic Games
151.(01)Sabertooth *Mixed, in this episode we watch from minute 00:00 to 00:23, then from minute 14:18 to the end.258
152.(02)And So We Aim for the Top259, 260
<--------------------- OVA 4: Fairy Training Camp --------------------->
153.(03)Song of the Stars261, 262
154.(04)For All the Time We Missed Each Other263, 264
155.(05)Crocus, the Flower-Blooming Capital165, 266
156.(06)Sky Labyrinth266
157.(07)New Guild267, 268
158.(08)Night of Shooting Stars269, 270
159.(09)Lucy vs. Flare271, 272
160.(10)Portent273, 274
161.(11)Chariots275, 276, 277
162.(12)Elfman vs. Bacchus277, 278
163.(13)Mirajane vs. Jenny279, 280
164.(14)Kagura vs. Yukino280, 281
165.(15)Hatred at Nightfall281, 282
166.(16)Pandemonium283, 284
167.(17)100 Against 1284, 285
168.(18)Laxus vs. Alexei286
169.(19)Wendy vs. Shelia287, 288
170.(20)Small Fists289, 290
<--------------------- OVA 5: Exciting Ryuuzetsuland --------------------->
171.(21)Naval Battle290, 291
172.(22)A Parfum for You292, 293
173.(23)Battle of Dragon Slayers!293, 294
174.(24)Four Dragons294, 295
175.(25)Natsu vs. the Twin Dragons296, 297

Season 7 (2014–15)

The seventh season has 102 episodes, the openings used are Masayume Chasing (176-188), Strike Back (189-203), Mysterious magic (204-214), BREAK OUT (215-226), Yumeiro Graffiti (227-239), NEVER-END TAIL (240-252) and Believe in Myself (253-265); the endings used are Kimi to Kare to Boku to Kanojo to (176-188), Kokoro No Kagi (189-203), Kimi no Mirai (204-214), Don't let me down (215-226), Never ever (227-239), FOREVER HERE (240-252) and Azayaka na Tabiji (253-265). ~ Adapted from manga 300 to 416.

176.(01)King of the Dragons300, 301
177.(02)The Eclipse Project302, 303
178.(03)Fairy Tactician304, 305
179.(04)Gray vs. Rufus306
180.(05)The Hungry Wolf Knights307, 308
181.(06)Fairy Tail vs. Executioners308, 309
182.(07)Scorching Earth309, 310
183.(08)Our Place310
184.(09)The Kingdom 'til Tomorrow311, 312
185.(10)Erza vs. Kagura313, 314
186.(11)A Future Racing Toward Despair315, 316
187.(12)Frog317, 318
188.(13)Roaring Thunder!319, 320
189.(14)Gloria321, 322
190.(15)He who Closes the Door323, 324
191.(16)Natsu vs. Rogue325, 326
192.(17)For Me, Too327, 328
193.(18)Seven Dragons329
194.(19)Zirconis' Magic330, 331
195.(20)People and People, Dragons and Dragons, People and Dragons332, 333
196.(21)Sin and Sacrifice334
197.(22)Time of Life335, 336
198.(23)Fields of Gold336, 337
199.(24)The Grand Banquet338
200.(25)Droplets of Time339
201.(26)A Gift340
202.(27)Welcome Back, Frosch * Omake "Welcome Back, Frosch"OMAKE
203.(28)Moulin Rouge * Omake "She's Erza!!"OMAKE
<--------------------- OVA 6: Fairy Tail x Rave --------------------->
<--------------------- OVA 7: The Game Punishment of the Fairies -------------------->
<----------------- Movie 1: The Priestess of the Phoenix ----------------->
Eclipse Celestial Spirits
204.(29)"Full Effort Hospitality!" *FillerN/A
205.(30)"Signal of Rebellion" * FillerN/A
206.(31)"Library Panic" * FillerN/A
207.(32)"Hisui Rises!" * FillerN/A
208.(33)"Astral Spiritus" * FillerN/A
209.(34)"Wendy vs. Aquarius – Let's Have Fun in the Amusement Park!" *FillerN/A
210.(35)"Guild Deck vs. Celestial Deck" * FillerN/A
211.(36)"Gray vs. Cancer! Dance Battle!" *FillerN/A
212.(37)"Juvia vs. Aries! Desert Death Match!" *FillerN/A
213.(38)"Erza vs. Sagittarius! Horseback Showdown!" *FillerN/A
214.(39)"Natsu vs. Leo" * FillerN/A
215.(40)"Ophiuchus, the Snake Charmer" * FillerN/A
216.(41)"When the Stars Fall" * FillerN/A
217.(42)"Celestial Spirit Beast" * FillerN/A
218.(43)"Believe" * FillerN/A
219.(44)"What a Pure Heart Weaves" * Omake "Natsu and Asuka"OMAKE
220.(45)"413 Days" * Omake "413 Days"OMAKE
221.(46)"The Labyrinth of White" * FillerN/A
222.(47)"Transform!" * Omake "Mira-Sensei's Transforming Magic Class" and "Fairy Woman"OMAKE
223.(48)"It's Kemo-Kemo!" * Novel "Fairy Tail 2: After The Grand Magic Games, Each Individual Day"NOVEL
224.(49)"The Place You Came To" * Novel "Fairy Tail 2: After The Grand Magic Games, Each Individual Day"NOVEL
225.(50)"Lightning Man" * FillerN/A
226.(51)"Fairy Tail of the Dead Meeeeeeeeen" * Omake "Fairy Tail of the Dead Meeeeeeeeen"OMAKE
Sun Village
227.(52)Morning of a New Adventure341, 342
228.(53)Wizards vs. Hunters343, 344
229.(54)Art of Regression345, 346
230.(55)The Demon Returns347, 348
231.(56)Gray vs. Doriate349, 350, 351
232.(57)Voice of the Flame351, 352, 353
233.(58)Song of the Fairies354, 355
<--------------------- OVA 8: Natsu vs. Mavis --------------------->
234.(59)Tartaros Chapter, Prologue – The Nine Demon Gates356, 357
235.(60)Tartaros Chapter, Prologue – Fairies vs. Netherworld358, 359
236.(61)Tartaros Chapter, Prologue – The White Legacy360, 361
237.(62)Tartaros Chapter, Prologue – Natsu vs. Jackal362, 363
238.(63)Tartaros Chapter – Immorality and Sinners364, 365
239.(64)Tartaros Chapter – Jellal vs. Oración Seis366, 367, 368
240.(65)Tartaros Chapter – A Place Reached by Prayer368, 369, 370
241.(66)Tartaros Chapter – The Demon's Rebirth371, 372
242.(67)Tartaros Chapter – To Let Live or Die373, 374
243.(68)Tartaros Chapter – Wendy vs. Ezel375, 376
244.(69)Tartaros Chapter – Friends Forever377, 378
245.(70)Tartaros Chapter – Hell's Core379, 380
246.(71)Tartaros Chapter – Underworld King380
247.(72)Tartaros Chapter – Alegria381, 382
248.(73)Tartaros Chapter – A Strike from the Stars383, 384
249.(74)Tartaros Chapter – Celestial Spirit King vs. Underworld King385, 386
250.(75)Tartaros Chapter – Erza vs. Minerva387, 388
251.(76)Tartaros Chapter – The Boy's Tale389, 390
252.(77)Tartaros Chapter – Gray vs. Silver391, 392
253.(78)Tartaros Chapter – A Silver Wish393, 394
254.(79)Tartaros Chapter – Air395, 396
255.(80)Tartaros Chapter – Steel397
256.(81)Tartaros Chapter – Final Duels398
257.(82)Tartaros Chapter – Wings of Despair399, 400
258.(83)Tartaros Chapter – Fire Dragon Iron Fist401, 402
259.(84)Tartaros Chapter – 00:00403, 404
260.(85)Tartaros Chapter – The Girl in the Crystal405, 406
261.(86)Tartaros Chapter – Absolute Demon407, 408
262.(87)Tartaros Chapter – Memento Mori409, 410
263.(88)Tartaros Chapter – Soaring Above Ishgar411, 412
264.(89)Tartaros Chapter – Drops of Fire413, 414
265.(90)Tartaros Chapter, Finale – Where the Power of Life Lies415, 416

Season 8 (2016)

The eighth season has 12 episodes, the opening used is Ashita wo Narase (266-277); the ending used is Landscape (266-277). ~ Adapted from manga 417 to 419.

266.(91)Fairy Tail Zerø: The Fairy in Your Heart1
267.(92)Fairy Tail Zerø: The Adventure Begins2, 3
268.(93)"Fairy Tail Zerø: Treasure Hunt" * FillerN/A
269.(94)Fairy Tail Zerø: Dancing with Blades4
270.(95)Fairy Tail Zerø: Moonlit Lake5
271.(96)Fairy Tail Zerø: Blue Skull6
272.(97)Fairy Tail Zerø: Conveyer of Magic7
273.(98)Fairy Tail Zerø: Treasure8, 9
274.(99)Fairy Tail Zerø: Law10, 11
275.(100)Fairy Tail Zerø: Eternal Adventure12, 13
277.(102)Message of Flame417, 419

Season 9 (2018–19)

The ninth season has 51 episodes, the openings used are Power of the Dream (278-290), DOWN BY LAW (291-303), NO-LIMIT (304-315) and MORE THAN LiKE (316-328); the endings used are Endless Harmony (278-290), Pierce (291-303), Boku to Kimi no Lullab (304-315) and Exceed (316-328). ~ Adapted from manga 420 to 545.

278.(01)The Lamia Scale Thanksgiving Festival420, 421, 422
279.(02)Because of Love422, 423
280.(03)Avatar424, 425, 426
281.(04)Underground Clash427, 428, 429
282.(05)The Purification Plan430, 431, 432
283.(06)Ikusatsunagi433, 434, 435
284.(07)Memoirs436, 437
285.(08)The 7th Guild Master438, 439, 440
286.(09)Law of Space440, 441, 442
287.(10)Emperor Spriggan443, 444, 445
288.(11)To the God-Forsaken Land446, 447, 448
289.(12)Mavis and Zeref449, 450
290.(13)Fairy Heart451, 452
<--------------------- OVA 9: Fairy Christmas --------------------->
<--------------------- Movie 2: Dragon Cry --------------------->
291.(14)The Magnolia Defensive War453, 454, 455
292.(15)Morning Star456, 457, 458
293.(16)For Whom the Parfum Flows459, 460, 461
294.(17)Natsu vs. Zeref462, 463, 464
295.(18)Across 400 Years465, 466, 467
296.(19)What I Want to Do467, 468, 469
297.(20)Not Until the Battle Is Over470, 471, 472, 473
298.(21)In a Silent Time473, 474, 475
299.(22)Natsu, Revived!!476, 477, 478
300.(23)Historia of Corpses479, 480, 481
301.(24)Mettle481, 482, 483, 484
302.(25)The Third Seal485, 486, 487
303.(26)Together, Always487, 488, 489
304.(27)Fairy Tail Zero490, 491, 492
305.(28)White Dragneel493, 494, 495
306.(29)The Winter Wizard496, 497, 498
307.(30)Gray and Juvia499, 500
308.(31)The Mightiest Demon of the Book of Zeref501, 502, 503
309.(32)Broken Bonds504, 505, 506
310.(33)Pleasure and Pain507, 508, 509
311.(34)Natsu's Mind510, 511
312.(35)Sting, the White Shadow Dragon512, 513
313.(36)Dragon Seed514, 515
314.(37)Master Enchant516, 517, 518
315.(38)Dragon or Demon519, 520
316.(39)Gray's Trump Card521, 522
317.(40)Dark Future523, 524
318.(41)My Name Is...525, 526
319.(42)Compassion527, 528
320.(43)Neo Eclipse529, 530
321.(44)Blind to Love531, 532
322.(45)The Door of Vows533, 534
323.(46)Raging Fire of the Dragon535, 536
324.(47)When the Fire Dies537, 538
325.(48)World Destruction539, 540
326.(49)Magic of Hope541, 542
327.(50)Hearts Connected543, 544
328.(51)Dearest Friends544, 545

The anime adapted the entire manga!

The "Fairy Tail" anime adapted 545 chapters of the manga into 328 episodes. One year after the manga's conclusion, the story continued with a sequel titled "Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest", which began publication on July 25, 2018. Five years later, on July 7, 2024, its anime adaptation began airing.

"Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest" takes place one year after the defeat of Zeref and Acnologia. Natsu Dragneel and his team from the Fairy Tail wizard guild embark on the 100 Years Quest, a mission that has remained unfulfilled for over a century, in the northern continent of Guiltina.

How To Watch Fairy Tail In Correct Order?

The Chronological Order to Watch Fairy Tail movies, ovas and specials is as follows:

  1. OVA 1: Welcome to Fairy Hills!!: We watch this ova after episode 75, it was adapted from the Omake "Welcome to Fairy Hills !! from the manga.
  2. OVA 2: Fairy Academy - Yankee-kun and Yankee-chan!: We watch this ova after episode 79, it was adapted from the Omake "Fairy Academy: Yankee-kun and Yankee-chan".
  3. OVA 3: Memory Days: We watch this ova after episode 96, this one was devised by Hiro Mashima.
  4. OVA 4: Fairies' Training Camp: We watch this ova after episode 152, it was adapted from manga 261 + Omake "Natsu's house".
  5. OVA 5: The Exciting Ryuzetsu Land: We watch this ova after episode 170, it was adapted from manga 298.
  6. OVA 6: Fairy Tail x Rave: We watch this ova after episode 203 (28 of Season 2 (2014)), it was adapted from the Omake "Fairy Tail x Rave".
  7. OVA 7: Fairies' Penalty Game: We watch this ova after episode 203 (28 of Season 2 (2014)), it was adapted from the One-shot "Yosei-tachi no Batsu Gemu".
  8. Prologue: Movie 1: Houou no Miko - Hajimari no Asa.: We watch this special after episode 203 (28 of Season 2 (2014)), it is a 12-minute prologue of movie 1.
  9. Movie 1: Houou no Miko or Phoenix Priestess: We watch this movie after episode 203 (28 of Season 2 (2014)), although the movie takes place chronologically after Fairy Tail has reclaimed its old guild hall, there are several continuity errors regarding the character design.
  10. OVA 8: Natsu vs. Mavis: We watch this ova after episode 233 (58 of Season 2 (2014)), it was adapted from the Omake "Natsu vs. Mavis" and Chapter 355 of the manga.
  11. OVA 9: Fairies' Christmas: We watch this ova after episode 290 (13 of Season 3 (2018) (Final series)), it was adapted from the Omake "Fairies' Christmas".
  12. Movie 2: Dragon Cry: We watch this movie after episode 290 (13 of Season 3 (2018) (Final Series)), the movie has a direct connection with episode 320 of the anime, related to the amount of lights that come out flying out of Eclipse.
  13. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest: After finishing the anime (episode 328 or 51 of Season 3 (2018) (Final Series)), you should read the manga of Fairy Tail: The 100-year mission that is the continuation of the history.

How many episodes and seasons are there in Fairy Tail?

The anime "Fairy Tail" has a total of 328 episodes divided into 9 seasons. It began airing on October 12, 2009, and concluded on September 29, 2019, lasting 9 years, 11 months, and 15 days. The animation was produced by A-1 Pictures (2009-2016) and CloverWorks (2018-2019), under the direction of Shinji Ishihira.

The sequel, "Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest", which is currently airing, will have 25 episodes divided into 1 season. It began airing on July 7, 2024. The animation is being produced by J.C.Staff, under the direction of Shinji Ishihira.