Full Metal Panic! (abbreviated as FMP!) is an adaptation of a light novel series, it has 49 episodes divided into 3 seasons, without any filler episodes, the anime adapted up to light novel 9 (this has 12 light novels, completed).

- Rating: 3.8/5 ( votes).
- Creator: Shoji Gatoh
- Illustrator: Shikidouji
- Editorial: Fujimi Shobo
- Published (novela): September 18, 1998 – August 20, 2011
- Studio: Gonzo
- Director: Koichi Chigira
- Music: Toshihiko Sahashi
- Premiere (anime): January 8, 2002
Mithril, a clandestine military organization employing cutting-edge technology to counteract terrorist activities, assigns a specialized team to a delicate mission. Led by superior officer Melissa Mao, sergeants Sousuke Sagara and Kurz Weber are tasked with covertly safeguarding Kaname Chidori—a teenage girl unknowingly possessing groundbreaking scientific knowledge and classified as a "Whispered." Their objective is to shield her from intelligence agencies and other groups seeking her unique abilities.
While Kurz and Melissa provide remote assistance, Sousuke infiltrates Kaname's high school, posing as one of her classmates to closely observe and protect her. However, his military background and lack of social skills make adapting to civilian life challenging. Not only does he draw unwarranted attention, but his actions frequently raise suspicions from Kaname.
In spite of his sincere efforts to fulfill his mission, Sousuke's task becomes more intricate due to a terrorist ambush. Identifying the malicious mastermind behind the attack, Sousuke deviates from his orders to prioritize Kaname's safety.
Full Metal Panic! Filler Episodes List
In this list I will mark you the filler episodes of Full Metal Panic! (if it had them), the extra material of the anime, either ovas or movies will be located in Chronological Order, and finally I will mention in which chapter of the manga the anime ends or in which chapter of the manga to start reading after the anime.
SEASON 1: Full Metal Panic!
The opening it covers is Tomorrow (1-24) and the ending is Karenai Hana (1-24).
- 01. "The Guy I Kinda Like is a Sergeant"
- 02. "I Want to Protect You"
- 03. "Lingerie Panic"
- 04. "Kidnap"
- 05. "The One Who Whispers"
- 06. "Still Alive"
- 07. "Boy Meets Girl"
- 08. "Part Time Steady"
- 09. "Dangerous Safehouse"
- 10. "Run Running Ran"
- 11. "Behemoth Awakening"
- 12. "One Night Stand"
- 13.
"Cat and Kittens' R+R"* Filler - 14.
"Wind Rising in the Homeland (1)"*Filler - 15.
"Wind Rising in the Homeland (2)"* Filler - 16. "Wind Rising in the Homeland (3)"
- 17. "Ocean Party"
- 18. "Party in the deep sea"
- 19.
"Engage 6 7"* Filler - 20. "Venom's Fire"
- 21. "Deep Trap"
- 22. "Jack in the Box"
- 23. "Giant's Field"
- 24. "Into the Blue"
SPIN-OFF: Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
The opening it covers is Sore ga, Ai deshou? (1-12) and the ending is Kimi ni fuku kaze (1-12).
- 01.
"The Man From The South / Hostage Who Requires no Negotiation"*Filler - 02.
"Hostility Passing-By / A Fruitless Lunchtime"*Filler - 03.
"Summer Illusion of Steel"*Filler - 04.
"The Hamburger Hill of Art / Single Minded Stakeout!"*Filler - 05.
"The Hard Sell Fetish / The Patient of Darkness"*Filler - 06.
"The Pure Yet Impure Grappler / Trespassing on Good Faith"*Filler - 07.
"Overdone Warcry"*Filler - 08.
"A Goddess Comes to Japan (1): The Suffering"*Filler - 09.
"A Goddess Comes to Japan (2): The Hot Spring"*Filler - 10.
"A Fancy Without Honor or Humanity"*Filler - 11.
"Uncontrollable Bluebird"*Filler - 12.
"5th Period Hot Spot"*Filler
SEASON 2: Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid
The opening it covers is Minami Kaze (1-13) and the ending is Mō Ichido Kimi ni Aitai (1-13).
- 25. (01). "Ending Day By Day"
- 26. (02). "Scenes Underwater"
- 27. (03). "The Dungeon and The Dragon"
- 28. (04). "Daylight"
- 29. (05). "Lovely Sicilia"
- 30. (06). "At the edge of the sky"
- 31. (07). "Edge of Heaven"
- 32. (08). "Jungle Groove"
- 33. (09). "Her Problem"
- 34. (10). "The Two Hong Kongs"
- 35. (11). "His Problem"
- 36. (12). "Burning Hong Kong"
- 37. (13). "Continuing Day by Day"
SEASON 3: Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory
The opening it covers is Even...if (1-12) and the ending is yes (1-11), tomorrow (12).
- 38. (01). "Zero Hour"
- 39. (02). "Damage Control"
- 40. (03). "Big One Percent"
- 41. (04). "On My Own"
- 42. (05). "Intermission"
- 43. (06). "Welcome to the Jungle"
- 44. (07). "Rotten Repose"
- 45. (08). "One-Man Force"
- 46. (09). "The Fallen Witch"
- 47. (10). "Onward, Onward"
- 48. (11). "Stormy Night"
- 49. (12). "Make My Day"
Last Episode Corresponds to: | We start reading from: |
NOVEL The last episode that aired is episode 49 (12 of season 3), which corresponds to the last chapters of Light Novel 9. |
NOVEL So if we want to continue the anime in the light novel, we must start reading from Light Novel 10. |