Pokemon is an abbreviation of Pocket Monster, is an anime that has 1,261 episodes divided into 26 seasons, this is an adaptation of the video game of the same name that had great success since it was released on February 27, 1996.

- Rating: 3.8/5 ( votes).
- Writer: Takeshi Shudo (1997–2002), Junki Takegami (2002–2006), Atsuhiro Tomioka (2006–2016), Aya Matsui (2016–2019), Shōji Yonemura (2019–2023), Dai Satō (2023–present)
- Director: Kunihiko Yuyama (1997–2019), Daiki Tomiyasu (2019–2022), Jun Owada (2022–2023), Saori Den (2023–present)
- Original Network: TV Tokyo
- Premiere (anime): April 1, 1997
- Studio: OLM
- Music: Shinji Miyazaki (1997–2019), Yuki Hayashi (2019–2023), Conisch (2023–present)
Pokémon are unique beings possessing a wide range of abilities and appearances. A group of individuals called Pokémon trainers capture and train these creatures, often with the goal of engaging in battles. Young Satoshi harbors a dual aspiration of becoming a Pokémon trainer and achieving the coveted title of "Pokémon Master." As he reaches his 10th birthday, the opportunity to realize this dream emerges. However, his initial excitement is dampened when all three beginner Pokémon are already taken, leaving only Pikachu, a spirited Electric-type Pokémon, available. Despite the unexpected turn of events, this encounter marks the beginning of a lifelong bond and an extraordinary journey.
Embarking on a quest to reach the pinnacle of skill, Satoshi and Pikachu, accompanied by their friends Kasumi, a Water-type trainer, and Takeshi, a Rock-type trainer, traverse picturesque and expansive regions. Yet, peril is ever-present. The notorious Team Rocket consistently looms in the background, devising sinister plans to pilfer powerful Pokémon. Satoshi and his companions must thwart these schemes while also striving to collect the eight Pokémon Gym Badges necessary to challenge the Pokémon League. Their ultimate objective is to secure the prestigious title of Pokémon Master, making their journey a thrilling and challenging adventure.
Pokemon Filler Episodes List
In this list I will mark you the filler episodes of Pokemon (if it had them), the extra material of the anime, either ovas or movies will be located in Chronological Order, and finally I will mention in which chapter of the manga the anime ends or in which chapter of the manga to start reading after the anime.
To avoid spoilers, do you want to hide the battles written in the list?: |
POKEMON (1–276)
SEASON 1: Indigo League
- 001. "Pokémon, I Choose You!"
- 002. "Pokémon Emergency"
- 003. "Ash Catches A Pokémon"
- 004. "The Challenge Of The Samurai"
- 005. "Battle In Silver City" * Ash vs. Brock (Pewter City Gym)
- 006. "Clefairy And The Moon Rock"
- 007. "The Aquatic Flowers Of Celestial City" * Ash vs. Misty (Cerulean City Gym)
- 008.
"The Path To The Pokémon League"* Filler - 009.
"The School Of Hard Knocks"* Filler - 010. "Bulbasaur And The Secret Village"
- 011. "Charmander, The Forsaken Pokémon"
- 012. "The Squirtle Squad"
- 013. "Mystery At The Lighthouse"
- 014. "Electric Duel"
- 015. "Battle Aboard Santa Ana"
- 016. "Pokémon Shipwreck"
- 017. "The Island Of The Giant Pokemon"
- 018. "La Bella Y La Playa" * Censored in some countries.
- 019. "Tentacool And Tentacruel"
- 020.
"The Ghost From The Maiden's Peak"* Filler - 021. "Bye Butterfree"
- 022. "Open And The Psychic Duel"
- 023. "The Tower Of Terror"
- 024. "Haunter Contra Kadabra"
- 025. "Primeape Goes Crazy"
- 026. "Pokémon Scents"
- 027. "Hypno's Nap"
- 028. "Pokémon Fashion"
- 029. "The Striking Pokémon"
- 030. "Hooray For Magnemite"
- 031. "Get Those Diglett Out!"
- 032. "The Pokémon Ninja Duel"
- 033.
"The Great Race"* Filler - 034.
"The Kangaskhan Boy"* Filler - 035. "La Leyenda De Dratini" * Censored in some countries.
- 036. "The Bridge Band"
- 037. "The Mysterious Ditto Mansion"
- 038. "Porygon Electric Soldier" * Censored in some countries.
- 039. "Goodbye Pikachu"
- 040.
"The Warlike Eevee Brothers"* Filler - 041.
"Wake up Snorlax!"* Filler - 042.
"Duel In Dark City"* Filler - 043. "The Exeggutor Squad March"
- 044. "The Problem With Paras"
- 045. "The Song Of Jigglypuff"
- 046. "Attack Of The Prehistoric Pokémon"
- 047.
"A Chansey Operation"* Filler - 048. "Holy Matrimony!"
- 049.
"So Close And Still So Farfetch'd"* Filler - 050. "Who Stays With Togepi?"
- 051. "The Mysterious Garden of Bulbasaur"
- 052. "Princess Against Princess"
- 053. "The Perfect Hero"
- 054.
"The Case of the Canine Police"* Filler - 055. "Paparazzi Pokémon"
- 056.
"The Ultimate Test"* Filler - 057. "The Secret Of The Training Center"
- 058. "Descíframe This"
- 059. "Volcanic Panic"
- 060.
"The Blastoise Problem"* Filler - 061. "Misty, The Mermaid"
- 062.
"A History Of Clefairy"* Filler - 063. "The Battle For The Medal"
- 064. "The Hour Of Mr. Mime"
- 065.
"A Christmas With Jinx"* Filler - 066. "Lost in the Snow!"
- 067. "Duel In The Poké-Corral"
- 068.
"The Solution Of Evolution"* Filler - 069.
"La Pi-kahuna"* Filler - <-------------- Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back ------------->
- 070.
"Make Room For Gloom"* Filler - 071.
"Lights, Camera, Action!"* Filler - 072. "Go West, Meowth"
- 073.
"Mastering the Onix-perado"* Filler - 074.
"The Mystery Of Pokemopolis"* Filler - 075. "Bad To The Bones"
- 076. "All caught!"
- 077. "The First Round Begins"
- 078. "Fire And Ice"
- 079. "The Fourth Round, Tremble"
- 080. "Friends And Heroes"
- 081. "Friends and Enemies Alike"
- 082. "Friends To The End"
SEASON 2: Orange League
- 083. (01). "Panic Party In Pueblo Paleta"
- 084. (02). "A Scare In The Air"
- 085. (03). "Danger Pokéball!"
- 086. (04). "The Lost Lapras"
- 087. (05). "Duel On The Tide"
- 088. (06).
"Pikachu Reveals"* Filler - 089. (07).
"The Crystal Onyx"* Filler - 090. (08).
"Pokémon In Pink"* Filler - 091. (09).
"The Mystery Of Kabuto"* Filler - 092. (10).
"Fight On Stage"* Filler - 093. (11).
"Goodbye Psyduck"* Filler - 094. (12).
"The Joy Of Pokemon"* Filler - 095. (13). "Maneuvers On The Navel Island"
- 096. (14). "Food Theft"
- 097. (15). "A Ship Full Of Chills"
- 098. (16).
"Meowth Is The Boss"* Filler - 099. (17). "Tracey is Passionate"
- 100. (18).
"A Free Day"* Filler - 101. (19).
"Duel On Mandarin Island"--- * Fill - 102. (20).
"Ralph and Emily's Pokémon!"* Filler - 103. (21).
"Electric Emergency"* Filler - 104. (22). "The Mysterious Threat"
- 105. (23). "Misty Finds a Partner"
- 106. (24).
"My Friend Pikachu"* Filler - <-------------- Pokémon the Movie 2000: The Power of One ------------->
- 107. (25). "Charizard Cools Down"
- 108. (26). "The Pokémon Water War"
- 109. (27).
"Duel For Pokémon Food"* Stuffing - 110. (28). "Prepare for Pokémon Problems"
- 111. (29).
"The Mad Observer"* Filler - 112. (30). "The Paralyzing Deviation"
- 113. (31). "Hello, Pommel!"
- 114. (32). "Enter Dragonite"
- 115. (33). "Long live the Lapras!"
- 116. (34). "The Underground Patrol"
- 117. (35). "Reunions"
- 118. (36). "The Rivalry Revives"
SEASON 3: Johto League
- 119. (01). "The Robbery Of Totodile"
- 120. (02). "The beginner"
- 121. (03). "The Forest Of Pinsir"
- 122. (04).
"Pokémon Wheel!"* Filler - 123. (05). "Illusion And Confusion"
- 124. (06).
"The Power Of Flowers"* Filler - 125. (07).
"Enter Spinarak"* Filler - 126. (08). "The Suffering Of Snubbull"
- 127. (09). "The Little Big Horn"
- 128. (10). "The Rescue Of Chikorita"
- 129. (11).
"The Blue Moon Waterfall"* Filler - 130. (12).
"The Whistle Dropped"* Filler - 131. (13). "My Friend Blissey"
- 132. (14). "Battle At The Sprout Tower"
- 133. (15). "Battling The Flyer With Fire"
- 134. (16). "The Cry of Marril"
- 135. (17).
"The Arbotanque!"* Filler - 136. (18). "Charizard's Great Ambition"
- 137. (19).
"Smile to Win!" - 138. (20). "The Jealousy Of Chikorita"
- 139. (21).
"Friends of the Climate"* Filler - 140. (22).
"The Secret Superhero"* Filler - 141. (23).
"Sympathetic And Shaggy"* Filler - 142. (24).
"Computerized Battle"* Filler - 143. (25). "The Hunt For Cyndaquil"
- 144. (26). "A Shadow of Drought"
- 145. (27). Apricorn Pokeballs
- 146. (28). "The Duel With The Insects"
- 147. (29). "A Story With Farfetch'd"
- 148. (30). "Bazaar Of Change"
- 149. (31). "The Fire Squad"
- 150. (32).
"Wooper's Mischief!"* Filler - 151. (33).
"The Onyx Tunnel"* Filler - 152. (34).
"The Hour Of The Houndour"* Filler - 153. (35). "The Duel Of Totodile"
- 154. (36).
"Hot Duels"* Filler - 155. (37).
"Totodile Style Love"* Filler - 156. (38). "An Intelligent Pokémon"
- <-------------- Pokémon The Movie 3 - The Spell of the Unown ------------->
- 157. (39).
"Grumpy Forest"* Filler - 158. (40).
"The Psychic Couple"* Filler - 159. (41). "The Hunters Of Fortune"
SEASON 4: Johto League Champions
- 160. (01). "A Golden Opportunity"
- 161. (02). "A happy ending"
- 162. (03). "Cellphone minutes!"
- 163. (04). "Catch An Insect"
- 164. (05).
"What Kind Of Pokémon Are You?"* Filler - 165. (06).
"Prehistoric Pokémon"* Filler - 166. (07).
"Keep going!"* Filler - 167. (08). "Adventures In The Castle"
- 168. (09).
"Team In Battle"* Filler - 169. (10).
"A Battle Of Hot Water"* Filler - 170. (11).
"Poliwhirl Contra Poliwrath"* Filler - 171. (12). "Beauty And The Breeder"
- 172. (13).
"Elixir Of Love"* Filler - 173. (14). "Power Play"
- 174. (15).
"Mountain Time"* Filler - 175. (16).
"Wobbu-Thrashing!"* Filler - 176. (17). "Imitation Duel"
- 177. (18). "The Problem With Snubbull"
- 178. (19). "Ariate, Friends!"
- 179. (20).
"Alas Y Cosas"* Filler - 180. (21).
"The Grass Route"* Filler - 181. (22).
"The Apple Company!"* Filler - 182. (23).
"The Special Delivery Of Houndoom"* Filler - 183. (24). "Encounter With Ghosts"
- 184. (25). "From Ghost to Ghost"
- 185. (26). "Cooking Problems"
- 186. (27).
"All Those Glitters!"* Filler - 187. (28).
"The Fantastic Light"* Filler - 188. (29).
"LiarOSO"* Filler - 189. (30). "The picture of the memory"
- 190. (31).
"Spring Fever"* Filler - 191. (32). "Frozen Image"
- 192. (33).
"The Stolen Rocks"* Filler - 193. (34).
"The Dunsparce Hoax"* Filler - 194. (35).
"Wobbuffet, The Misguided Pokémon"* Filler - 195. (36).
"Dazzling Disease"* Filler - 196. (37). "Masters of the Ring"
- 197. (38).
"The Pokémon Interpreter"* Filler - 198. (39). "Total control!"
- 199. (40).
"The Pokémon Art"* Filler - 200. (41).
"Brock's Disillusionment"* Filler - 201. (42). "Electric Guardians" * Filler
- 202. (43).
"The New Life Of Bayleef"* Filler - 203. (44).
"Natu, The Fortune Teller Pokémon"* Filler - 204. (45).
"The Balloon Burst"* Filler - 205. (46).
"The Actor's Image"* Filler - 206. (47).
"Well Done, Rhydon!"* Filler - 207. (48).
"The Kecleon Bouncers"* Filler - <-------------- Pokémon 4Ever - Celebi: The Voice of the Forest ------------->
- 208. (49).
"The Lucid Lake"* Filler - 209. (50).
"The Secret Oasis"* Filler - 210. (51). "Battle For The Light"
- 211. (52). "Machoke, Machoke Man"
SEASON 5: Master Quest
- 212. (01). "The Whirlpool Islands"
- 213. (02).
"Take Me To The Moon"* Filler - 214. (03).
"The Parade of the Chinchou"* Filler - 215. (04). "A Naughty Corsola!"
- 216. (05).
"Underwater Adventure!"* Filler - 217. (06). "Octillery And His Friends"
- 218. (07). "Duel Of Heroes"
- 219. (08). "The Perfect Duel!"
- 220. (09).
"The Diglett's War"* Filler - 221. (10).
"Theft of the Silver Wings!"* Filler - 222. (11). "The Mystery Is History"
- 223. (12). "A Trapped Father!"
- 224. (13). "A promise is a promise"
- 225. (14). "The Return of Noctowl"
- 226. (15). "Steelix Nerves"
- 227. (16). "Bulbasaur, The Ambassador!"
- 228. (17). "Espeon Not Included"
- 229. (18). "The Ho-Oh Bells!"
- 230. (19). "Extreme Pokémon!"
- 231. (20).
"On the Track of the Criminal"* Filler - 232. (21). "The Expected Arrival Of Phanpy"
- 233. (22). "The Return of Team Rocket"
- 234. (23).
"Waiting For A Friend"* Filler - 235. (24).
"A Tyrogue Full Of Problems"* Filler - 236. (25).
"Xatu And The Future"* Filler - 237. (26). "Speaking Of Evolution"
- 238. (27). "Fury Of Innocence"
- 239. (28). "As Cold As Pryce"
- 240. (29). "Ash Contra Pryce!"
- 241. (30).
"Where the Wind Blows"* Filler - 242. (31).
"Some Like The Heat!"* Filler - 243. (32).
"Hocus Pokémon!"* Filler - 244. (33).
"As Clear As Glass"* Filler - 245. (34).
"The Same Dance And The Old Song"* Filler - 246. (35).
"Light up!"* Filler - 247. (36).
"Let the Real Professor Oak Stand Up!"* Filler - 248. (37).
"A Wish Shaped Star"* Filler - 249. (38). "Fortune Tellers And Thieves"
- 250. (39).
"A Great Training!"* Filler - 251. (40). "
Excuse me Politoed!"* Filler - 252. (41). "The Ice Cave (Subtitled By Censorship)"
- 253. (42). "Beauty is Passenger"
- 254. (43). "The Robbery Of The Tusk"
- 255. (44). "Great Balls Of Fire!"
- 256. (45). "Eighth And Last"
- 257. (46). "Why? Wynaut!"
- 258. (47).
"Just Add Water"* Filler - <-------------- Pokémon Heroes: Latios and Latias ------------->
- 259. (48). "Lapras Of Luxury"
- 260. (49). "The Birth Of Larvitar"
- 261. (50). "Entei, The Legendary Pokémon"
- 262. (51).
"A King is Wanted"* Filler - 263. (52). "I'm Seeing You, Elekid"
- 264. (53).
"You are a star, Larvitar!"* Filler - 265. (54). "Unknown Dimension"
- 266. (55). "The Mother Of All Battles"
- 267. (56). "Sneasel And The Sacred Fire"
- 268. (57). "The Flame Bearer"
- 269. (58). "Pokémon Style Love"
- 270. (59). "A tie!"
- 271. (60). "The Ties That Bind"
- 272. (61). "Nothing Beats The Heat"
- 273. (62). "Playing with fire!"
- 274. (63). "The Final Of The Johto League"
- 275. (64). "See you soon boys!"
- 276. (65). "Only at Hoenn!"
SEASON 6: Advanced
- 001. "We must start the path!"
- 002. "The Ruins Of Hoenn!"
- 003. "There Is No Place Like Hoenn"
- 004. "A Relentless Pokémon"
- 005. "The First Battles"
- 006. "The Poacher"
- 007. "The Tree Of Treecko"
- 008. "An Explosive Tail"
- 009.
"The Rescue Of Shroomish"* Filler - 010.
"A Dangerous Snack"* Filler - 011.
"A Bite To Remember"* Filler - 012. "The Little Lotad"
- 013. "All Things Bright And Beautiful"
- 014. "Catch A Wurmple"
- 015. "I want to go to school"
- 016. "A Battle Against Nosepass"
- 017. "On The Way To Devon"
- 018. "The Rescue Of Wingull"
- 019. "The Sharpedo Attack!"
- 020. "Take the Wave"
- 021.
"Which Wumple Is Which?"* Filler - 022. "Trouble In The Cave"
- 023. "Capturing Corphish"
- 024. "A Corphish Out Of The Water"
- 025. "A Mudkip Mission"
- 026.
"Our Friend Nuzleaf"* Filler - 027. "Meeting Of Three Teams"
- 028. "See To Believe"
- 029.
"The Great Scare Of Sableye"* Filler - 030. "A Fight To Meditate"
- 031. "The Force Of The Geyser"
- 032. "Abandon The Ship!"
- 033. "The Power of Flowers!"
- 034. "The First Pokémon"
- 035. "Win, Lose Or Draw"
- <-------------- Pokémon: Jirachi: Wish Maker ------------->
- 036. "The Mysterious Rock"
- 037.
"The Kidnapping Of Joy"* Filler - 038. "The Rock Of Light"
- 039. "The House Of Tricks"
- 040. "Wattson Y Watt"
SEASON 7: Advanced Challenge
- 41. (01). "The Queen Of Watermelons"
- 42. (02). "Love At First Flight"
- 43. (03).
"A Scientific Trainer"* Filler - 44. (04). "The Princess And The Togepi"
- 45. (05). "A Mirage Togepi"
- 46. (06).
"Meet Camerupt"* Filler - 47. (07). "Saving Skitty!"
- 48. (08). "Zangoose Vs. Seviper"
- 49. (09).
"Double Max!"* Filler - 50. (10). "The Secrets To Win"
- 51. (11). "Well Done May!"
- 52. (12). "Animation Squad"
- 53. (13).
"Discovering Attack"* Filler - 54. (14). "The War For The Meteorite"
- 55. (15). "Poetic Problems!"
- 56. (16). "War Against Sleep"
- 57. (17).
"In Search Of A Spinda"* Filler - 58. (18). "A Torkoal In Trouble"
- 59. (19). "Manectric Attacks"
- 60. (20).
"Did Delcatty Eat Your Tongue?"* Filler - 61. (21). "The Disaster Of Disguise"
- 62. (22). "Desire Is The Limit"
- 63. (23). "Lombre, The Lord Of The Water"
- 64. (24).
"Rescuing Swablu"* Filler - 65. (25).
"Gulpin On Attack"* Filler - 66. (26). "Explode And Go"
- 67. (27).
"You can, Ludicolo!"* Filler - 68. (28). "A Double Dilemma"
- 69. (29). "Love Petalburg Style!"
- 70. (30). "Balance of Power"
- 71. (31). "Attack In Six Pack"
- 72. (32). "The More You Fight, The Better!"
- 73. (33). "Grass Hysteria!"
- 74. (34). "Crazy Poké Balls"
- 75. (35).
"Whiscash And Ash"* Stuffing - 76. (36).
"Me, Myself and Time"* Filler - 77. (37). "An Admirer With A Plan"
- 78. (38). "A Walk To Lose"
- 79. (39). "Pearls Are A Spoink's Best Friend"
- 80. (40). "Become A Swellow"
- 81. (41). "Shuppet Of The Haunted House"
- 82. (42). "A Shroomish Skirmish"
- 83. (43). "Friends of the Unfair Climate"
- 84. (44). "Now Who's Flying?"
- 85. (45). "Battle In The Blue Sky!"
- <-------------- Pokémon: Destiny Deoxys ------------->
- 86. (46).
Lights up, Camerupt, Action!* Filler - 87. (47). "Crazy Like A Lunatone"
- 88. (48).
"The Garden Of Eating"* Filler - 89. (49).
"A Scare To Remember!"* Filler - 90. (50). "Pokéblocks And Blackberries"
- 91. (51). "Lessons At Lilycove"
- 92. (52).
"Trial day!"* Filler
SEASON 8: Advanced Battle
- 93. (01). "Pearls Of Wisdom"
- 94. (02).
"Relicanth Can Do It"* Filler - 95. (03). "The Evolutionary War"
- 96. (04).
"Training Suffering"* Filler - 97. (05). "Capturing Groudon"
- 98. (06). "The Battle Of Legends"
- 99. (07). "A Rocket Experience"
- 100. (08). "Solid As A Solrock"
- 101. (09). "Matter Of Vanity"
- 102. (10).
"Where's Armaldo?"* Filler - 103. (11). "A Cacturne Can Make It Worse"
- 104. (12).
"Claydol, The Giant"* Filler - 105. (13). "A Mawile in Love"
- 106. (14).
"Take It And Steal It"* Stuffing - 107. (15).
"Absol-uto Desastre"* Filler - 108. (16). "It Snows It Snows Snorunt"
- 109. (17).
"Did I hear a Ralts?"* Filler - 110. (18). "The Last Medal!"
- 111. (19). "Eight Are Not Enough"
- 112. (20).
"The Revelation Of Linoone"* Filler - 113. (21). "Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut?"
- 114. (22). "The Expected Date"
- 115. (23). "Bad And Envious"
- 116. (24). "A Mess On Pacifidlog"
- 117. (25). "A Very Interesting Blackberry"
- 118. (26). "From Less To Morrison"
- 119. (27). "The Thief Of The Ribbon Cup"
- 120. (28). "Go Silver Wind!"
- 121. (29). "Disillusionment And Combination"
- 122. (30). "Drew's Rhapsody"
- 123. (31). "Shipwreck On The Island!"
- 124. (32). "Curiosity Killed Meowth"
- 125. (33). "Saved By A Beldum"
- 126. (34). "From Boastful To Victorious"
- 127. (35). "Downloads And Knots"
- 128. (36). "The Dispute Of Judgment"
- 129. (37). "Make up your mind or lose"
- 130. (38). "At the End of Combat"
- 131. (39). "A Team In Project"
- 132. (40). "The Right Place And The Right Rhyme"
- 133. (41). "A Cleffadera Of Truth"
- 134. (42). "The Number One: Articuno"
- 135. (43). "The Symbol Of Life"
- <-------------- Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew ------------->
- 136. (44).
"El Rey Onix"* Filler - 137. (45).
"Rough, Tough, Jigglypuff"* Filler - 138. (46). "In The Arcanine Cloud"
- 139. (47).
"Caring For Psyduck"* Filler - 140. (48).
"Long live the Chefs!"* Filler - 141. (49).
"The Great Caterpie Dilemma"* Filler - 142. (50). "The Saffron Contest"
- 143. (51). "A Competition For Squirtle"
- 144. (52).
"Pasta A Vista"* Stuffing
SEASON 9: Battle Frontier
- 145. (01).
"The Fear Factor"* Filler - 146. (02). "Sweet Baby James"
- 147. (03). "From Such Brock, Such Sliver!"
- 148. (04). "The Wheel Of The Border"
- 149. (05). "May's Excellent Adventure"
- 150. (06). "Weekend Warrior"
- 151. (07).
"An Old Lake"* Filler - 152. (08). "Theatrical Tactics"
- 153. (09). "Electric charges"
- 154. (10). "The Guardian Of The Forest"
- 155. (11). "Saved From The Cradle"
- 156. (12). "Time heals wounds"
- 157. (13). "Queen Of The Serpentine"
- 158. (14). "Changing Routine"
- 159. (15). "Harley Strikes Again"
- 160. (16). "The Evolution Of Grovyle"
- 161. (17). "Spontaneous Combusken"
- 162. (18). "Cutting the Ties That Bind"
- 163. (19). "Explosion In Sight"
- 164. (20).
"King And Queen For A Day"* Filler - 165. (21).
"Curving The Red Tide"* Filler - 166. (22). "What is done for love"
- 167. (23).
"Three Jynx And A Baby"* Filler - 168. (24). "The big game"
- 169. (25). "The Second Is The Vanquished"
- 170. (26 and 27)). "The Deoxys Crisis! (Parts 1 and 2)"
- 171. (28).
"Not All That Glitters Is Gold"* Filler - 172. (29). "New Plan, Old Result"
- 173. (30). "Close To Victory"
- 174. (31).
"The Old Forever Team"* Filler - 175. (32). "Remodeling The Gym"
- 176. (33). "The Battle Against The Enemy"
- 177. (34). Slaking-Kong
- 178. (35). "May Against Harley And Drew"
- 179. (36). "The Day Of The Great Festival"
- 180. (37). "In The Battle Zone"
- 181. (38).
"Aipom's Follies"* Filler - <-------------- Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea ------------->
- 182. (39).
"Strategy Tomorrow, Comedy Tonight"* Filler - 183. (40).
"Duels Of The Jungle"* Filler - 184. (41). "Charmed"
- 185. (42). "The Unstoppable Lightness Of Seeing"
- 186. (43).
"The Healing Touch!"* Filler - 187. (44). "Gathering The Gang Of Four"
- 188. (45). "The Final Frontier"
- 189. (46). "Once Again In Suspense"
- 190. (47). "Home Is Where The Battle Is!"
SEASON 10: Diamond and Pearl
- 01. "Following the Path of a Newbie"
- 02. "Two Degrees of Separation!"
- 03. "When the Pokémon Worlds Collapse!"
- 04. "The Dawn Of A New Age!"
- 05. "New Friends"
- 06. "Different Battle Styles, Different Pokemon"
- 07.
"Training Piplup!"* Filler - 08. "The Fakers!"
- 09. "Welcoming Buneary"
- 10. "They Can't With Us!"
- 11. "Coordinators In Training!"
- 12. "A Rival Is Coming!"
- 13. "A Staravia Is Born!"
- 14. "Brock Can Do It All!"
- 15. "An Unexpected Style!"
- 16. "A Style That Cannot Be Copied!"
- 17. "Wild in the streets!"
- 18. "Over Rampardos we will win!"
- 19. "A New Conquest!"
- 20. "Pokemon Loot!"
- 21. "We Want Evolution!"
- 22. "Lending The Bad Way!"
- 23.
"A Steelix On The Attack!"* Filler - 24.
"Cooking A Nice Story!"* Filler - 25. "The Super Poffin Plan!"
- 26. "Contest Nerves!"
- 27. "Settling Old Accounts!"
- 28. "A Drifloon In The Air!"
- 29. "The Champion Twins!"
- 30. "A Sweet And Charming Treasure"
- 31. "Grass-type ones are always stronger"
- 32. "A Sweet And Angry Combination"
- 33. "All Ready And Disguised!"
- 34. "Buizel, Watch Your Way!"
- 35. "An Encounter With Elite Four!"
- 36. "A Secret Sphere Of Influence"
- 37. "Reserve of Grass Pokémon!"
- 38. "A Great Happy Family!"
- 39.
"Steam Boat Trip!"* Filler - <-------------- Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai ------------->
- 40. "Special Training"
- 41. "Training With Jesselina"
- 42.
"In Electrike Company" - 43.
"Malice In Wonderland" - 44. "Massive Hypo-sis!"
- 45. "Hunt For The Shieldons!"
- 46. "The Labyrinth Race!"
- 47. "Freeing Sandshrew"
- 48. "A Lesson For Dawn"
- 49. "The Great Battle Duo!"
- 50. "Flare Of Glory"
- 51. "Spirit Of Companionship"
SEASON 11: Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension
- 52. (01). "Face Your Fears"
- 53. (02). "How Green The Grasses Were!"
- 54. (03). "The exchange"
- 55. (04).
"The Reappearance Of Spiritomb"* Filler - 56. (05).
"Bibarel Is The Best"* Filler - 57. (06).
"Sniffing In The Mountain"* Filler - 58. (07).
"Vision Of Luxray"* Filler - 59. (08). "Journey To The Unknown"
- 60. (09). "A good team"
- 61. (10). "Thanks for the memories"
- 62. (11). "The Hot Springs"
- 63. (12). "Times of change"
- 64. (13). "A Sand Bath"
- 65. (14). "The Lost Leader's Strategy"
- 66. (15). "Crossing the Battle Line"
- 67. (16). "Triple Battle Opportunity"
- 68. (17). "Intergalactic"
- 69. (18).
"The Bells Ring"* Filler - 70. (19). "The Pokémon Police And The Kidnapping Of Riolu (Part One)"
- 71. (20). "The Pokémon Police And The Kidnapping Of Riolu (Part Two)"
- 72. (21). "The Roads Cross"
- 73. (22). "Pika and Goliath"
- 74. (23). "The Wallace Cup"
- 75. (24). "A Battle Well Served"
- 76. (25). "Welcome All Our Heroes"
- 77. (26). "Competing Among Friends"
- 78. (27). "Strategy With A Smile"
- 79. (28). "The Thieves Who Keep Stealing"
- 80. (29). "Achimcharado"
- 81. (30). "The Innate Cream Of The Croagunk"
- 82. (31). "A Super Path of Power"
- 83. (32). "Hungry for the Good Life"
- 84. (33). "Defeating Fear With Fear"
- 85. (34). "Arriving in Style"
- <-------------- Pokémon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior ------------->
- 86. (35). "The Psyducks Are Here"
- 87. (36). "The Summer Pokémon Academy"
- 88. (37). "A Close Encounter"
- 89. (38). "Ghoul Daze"
- 90. (39). "Team One, Team Two, Red Team, Blue Team"
- 91. (40). "A Very Bad And The Rocket Team"
- 92. (41). "Playing On A Superior Field"
- 93. (42). "Doc Brock"
- 94. (43). "Fighting With The Generational Gap"
- 95. (44). "Losing Its Brightness"
- 96. (45). "The Malevolent Galactic Team"
- 97. (46). "If The Scarf Fits You, Put It On"
- 98. (47). "Pokémon Reunion And Trainer"
- 99. (48). "Helping The Enemy"
- 100. (49). "Barry Has A Fight"
- 101. (50). "Protected With A Shield"
- 102. (51).
"Changing Equipment"* Filler - 103. (52). "Sleeping Before The Battle"
SEASON 12: Diamond and Pearl: Galactic Battles
- 104. (01). "Start Your Rotom!"
- 105. (02). "A Varied Stampede"
- 106. (03). "Old Family Matters"
- 107. (04). "Dealing With Defensive Guys"
- 108. (05). "Leading A Wayward One"
- 109. (06). "Stepping Up Serenity"
- 110. (07). "Saving The World From Ruins"
- 111. (08). "Joy on the Island of the Castaways"
- 112. (09). "Grab The Phione!"
- 113. (10). "Another Gabite Bites The Dust!"
- 114. (11).
"Stealing The Conversation"* Filler - 115. (12).
"The Wandering Snorunt"* Filler - 116. (13). "Noodles Come And Go"
- 117. (14). "Chasing A High Goal"
- 118. (15). "Trials And Flattery"
- 119. (16). "The Lonely Snover"
- 120. (17). "Detained In The Name Of Love"
- 121. (18). "Old Rivals, New Cheats!"
- 122. (19). "Be honest with your Pokémon!"
- 123. (20).
"Facing A Nice Drama"* Filler - 124. (21). "Salon Training"
- 125. (22). "Skating the Seventh"
- 126. (23). "A Pyramid Fury!"
- 127. (24). "Pillars of Friendship!"
- 128. (25). "Frozen In His Steps"
- 129. (26). "Pedal to the Bottom!"
- 130. (27). "Evolved Strategies!"
- 131. (28). "Accepting Defeat"
- 132. (29). "Promoting A Healthy Tangrowth"
- 133. (30).
"Ending The Judgment And The Bustle"* Filler - 134. (31). "Portal To The Ruins"
- <-------------- Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life ------------->
- 135. (32). "Three Sides In Each Story"
- 136. (33). "The Strategy Starts At Home"
- 137. (34). "A False End Of Oak"
- 138. (35). "Historical Plot For The Unknown"
- 139. (36). "Challenging An Imposing Figure"
- 140. (37). "Where No Togepi Was Before"
- 141. (38). "Scrambled egg"
- 142. (39). "What the wind power plant took away"
- 143. (40). "A Rivalry Worthy Of A Gible"
- 144. (41). "Dress For Jess's Success!"
- 145. (42). "Bagging And Labeling"
- 146. (43).
"Do It For The Family Stone"* Filler - 147. (44).
"Hit Who You Know!"* Filler - 148. (45). "Unleashing the Red Chain of Events!"
- 149. (46). "The Needs Of The Three"
- 150. (47). "The Final Battle Of Legend!"
- 151. (48). "The Treasure Is All Mine!"
- 152. (49). "Mastering the Current Events"
- 153. (50). "Fast-paced Battle Training"
- 154. (51). "A Meteoric Ascent To Excellence"
- 155. (52). "You have to get a Gible"
SEASON 13: Diamond and Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors
- 156. (01).
"Recovering the Advantage at Home"* Filler - 157. (02). "Short, but accurate"
- 158. (03). "The Marathon Of Rivals"
- 159. (04). "Yes, it's about Dawn!"
- 160. (05). "Repeating The Presentation"
- 161. (06). "Facing Anger With Fire"
- 162. (07). "Piplup Takes Flight"
- 163. (8.0 "Flint Light the Fire!"
- 164. (09). "The Disappearance Of The Marina Tower"
- 165. (10). "Educating the Teacher"
- 166. (11). "Following On Top For Me"
- 167. (12). "Pokémon Guard: The Rescue Of Heatran"
- 168. (13). "An Elite Cover-Up"
- 169. (14). "The Dawn of a Good Day"
- 170. (15). "With the Simplest Grace"
- 171. (16).
"Facing Two Equal Dramas"* Filler - 172. (17). "Last Call, First Round!"
- 173. (18). "Opposites Interact"
- 174. (19). "The Beginning - The Circular Festival!"
- 175. (20). "A Great Battle to Win!"
- 176. (21). "For the Love of Meowth!"
- <-------------- Pokémon—Zoroark: Master of Illusions ------------->
- 177. (22). "The Eighth Wonder Of The Sinnoh World!"
- 178. (23). "Four Roads Fork In A Pokémon Port"
- 179. (24). "Against the Treasury"
- 180. (25). "An Old Family Mix!"
- 181. (26). "The League Unleashed!"
- 182. (27). "Looking For A Paul In Barry"
- 183. (28). "Training A Good Movement"
- 184. (29). "The Race Knowledge Strategy"
- 185. (30). "A Very Stirring Rival"
- 186. (31). "Facing A Meltdown In Relationships"
- 187. (32). "The Semi-Final Frontier!"
- 188. (33). "Brock, El Salvador!"
- 189. (34). "Memories are made of happiness"
SEASON 14: Black and White
- 01. "In the Shadow of Zekrom!"
- 02. "Enter Iris And Axew!"
- 03. "Sandile's Well!"
- 04. "The Battle Club And The Tepig Election"
- 05. "Triple Leaders, Team Threats!"
- 06. "Dreams In The Garden"
- 07. "Catching Snivy Is A Hard Game"
- 08. "Saving Darmanitan From The Bell"
- 09. "The Flower Is In Axew"
- 10. "A Rival Battle For The Club Champion"
- 11. "A Home For Dwebble!"
- 12. "Here Comes The Trubbish Squad!"
- 13. "Minccino - Clean And Neat!"
- 14. "A Night At The Museum In Ciudad Nacrene"
- 15. "The Battle According to Lenora!"
- 16. "Rematch At The Nacrene Gym!"
- 17. "Scraggy, Brood To Be Wild"
- 18. "Sewaddle And Burgh In The Tile Forest!"
- 19. "The Revenge Of The Knower"
- 20. "Dancing With The Ducklett Trio!"
- 21. "The Lost World Of Gothitelle!"
- 22. "A Venipede Stampede!"
- 23. "Fighting For The Love Of The Insect Kinds!"
- 24. "Emolga, The Irresistible!"
- 25. "Emolga And The New Voltage Changer!"
- 26. "Terror At The Litwick Mansion!"
- 27. "The Way of the Dragon Master!"
- 28. "Oshawott's Lost Capara-Concha!"
- 29. "Cottonee in Love!"
- 30. "A UFO for Elgyem!"
- 31. "The Third Battle Of Ash And Trip"
- 32. "Facing Fear With Open Eyes!"
- 33. "Iris And Excadrill Against The Dragon Slayer!"
- 34. "I Must Catch A Roggenrola!"
- 35. "Where did you go, Audino?"
- 36. "Archeops In The Modern World!"
- 37. "A Fish Connoisseur In A Suspicious Competition!"
- 38. "A Movie Story! Zorua In" The Legend Of The Pokémon Knight "!"
- 39. "Reunion Battles At Nimbasa!"
- <-------------- Pokémon the Movie: White—Victini and Zekrom ------------->
- <-------------- Pokémon the Movie: Black—Victini and Reshiram ------------->
- 40. "Cilan Against Trip And Ash Against Georgia!"
- 41. "The Battle Of The Hearts Of Fury Club! Emolga Against Sawk!"
- 42. "Final Club Battle! The Rise of a Hero!"
- 43. "Meowth's Cunning Tactics!"
- 44. "Purrloin: Sweet Or Treacherous?"
- 45. "Beheeyem, Duosion And The Dream Thief!"
- 46. "The Fight On Beartic Mountain!"
- 47. "Crisis In The Underground!"
- 48. "The Battle For The Subway!"
SEASON 15: Black and White: Rival Destinies
- 49. (01). "Elesa Is Here, An Electrifying Gym Leader!"
- 50. (02). "Battle! Dazzling In The Nimbasa Gym!"
- 51. (03). "Lost in the Seal Rally!"
- 52. (04). "Ash Against The Champion!"
- 53. (05). "A Musical Maractus!"
- 54. (06). "The Four Seasons Of Sawsbuck!"
- 55. (07). "Scraggy And The Demanding Gothita!"
- 56. (08). "Solitaire Deino!"
- 57. (09). "The Powerful Guardian To The Rescue!"
- 58. (10). "A Call of Brotherly Love!"
- 59. (11). "Stopping The Wrath Of Legends! (Part One)"
- 60. (12). "Stopping The Wrath Of Legends! (Part Two)"
- 61. (13). "Facing The King Of Mines!"
- 62. (14). "Crisis In The Electrorroca Cave!"
- 63. (15). "The Emotion of the Evolution of Change!"
- 64. (16). "Explorers Of Hero's Ruin!"
- 65. (17). "Facing The Bully!"
- 66. (18). "Facing Al Bouffalant!"
- 67. (19). "Cilan Take A Flight!"
- 68. (20). "An Amazing Air Battle!"
- 69. (21). "Climbing The Tower Of Success!"
- 70. (22). "Clubexplosion Begins!"
- 71. (23). "In Search Of The Clubultimate!"
- 72. (24). "The Excitement of Clubexplosion!"
- 73. (25). "Commanding The Clubexplosion Crown!"
- 74. (26). "Facing The Leaf Thieves!"
- 75. (27). "A Restoration Showdown! (Part 1)"
- 76. (28). "A Restoration Showdown! (Part 2)"
- 77. (29). "Evolution By Fire!"
- 78. (30). "Defending The Guardian Of The Mountain!"
- 79. (31). "Danger, Ice Conditions In Battle!"
- 80. (32). "Fury Of Connoisseurs!"
- 81. (33). "Crisis In The Ferroseed Research!"
- 82. (34). "An Epic Defensive Force!"
- 83. (35). "Shake At The Virbank Gym! (Part 1)"
- 84. (36). "Shake At The Virbank Gym! (Part 2)"
- 85. (37). "All For The Love Of Meloetta!"
- 86. (38). "Piplup, Pansage, and the Gathering of Times!"
- 87. (39). "Expedition To Isl-Onix!"
- 88. (40). "The Mystery Of The Lost Cubchoo!"
- 89. (41). "Iris And The Naughty Dragonite!"
- 90. (42). "Shooting For The Junior Cup!"
- 91. (43). "Facing The Authority One More Time!"
- 92. (44). "Ash, Iris And Trip: And Then There Were Three!"
- 93. (45). "Goodbye Junior Cup, Hello Adventure!"
- 94. (46). "The Way To Humilau!"
- 95. (47). "Conflicts In The Nursery!"
- 96. (48). "Meloetta And The Underwater Temple!"
- 97. (49). "Unova and its crisis to survive!"
- <-------------- Pokémon the Movie: Kyurem VS. The Sword of Justice ------------->
SEASON 16: Adventures in Unova
- 01. "Beauties In Battle For Pride And Prestige!"
- 02. "Introduction to Double Air and Ground Battle Team!"
- 03. "Return To The Village!"
- 04. "Drayden Versus Iris: Past, Present and Future!"
- 05. "Team Eevee and the Pokémon Rescue Brigade!"
- 06. "The Curtain Opens, Unova League!"
- 07. "Mission: Defeat Your Rival!"
- 08. "¡Perdidos En La Liga!"
- 09. "A Strong Strategy Steals the Show!"
- 10. "Cameron's Secret Weapon!"
- 11. "An Evolution Of The Unova League!"
- <-------------- Pokémon the Movie: Genesect and the Legend Awakened ------------->
- 12. "New Places, Familiar Faces!"
- 13. "His Name Is N!"
- 14. "A New Gym Leader in Town!"
- 15. "Team Plasma's Pokémon Power Plot!"
- 16. "The Light of Floccesy Ranch!"
- 17."¡Rescatando A Braviary!"
- 18. "The Pokemon Harbor Patrol!"
- 19. "The Fire of a Hot Meeting!"
- 20. "Team Plasma's Pokémon Manipulation!"
- 21. "Secrets Hidden in the Mist!"
- 22. "Meowth, Colress, and a Team Rivalry!"
- 23. "Ash YN: A Showdown of Ideals!"
- 24. "Team Plasma And The Awakening Ceremony!"
- 25. "Beyond Truth and Ideals!"
- 26. "Farewell, Unova! Setting sail for new adventures!"
- 27. "A Danger Sweet as Honey!"
- 28. "Cilan and the Case of the Purrloin Witness!"
- 29. "The Coronation of King Shellcap!"
- 30. "The Island of Illusions!"
- 31."¡Atrapa Un Rotom!"
- 32. "The Pirates of the Decolora Islands!"
- 33."¡Butterfree Y Yo!"
- 34. "The Road That Leads To Goodbye!"
- 35. "In Search of a Wish!"
- 36. "¡El Ovni De La Isla Magnala!"
- 37. "The Reporter From Another Region!"
- 38. "Mystery on a Desert Island!"
- 39."¡Un Pokémon De Diferente Color!"
- 40."¡Festejando El Cometa Del Héroe!"
- 41."¡Sigue, Gogoat!"
- 42."¡El Electrizante Recluta Del Equipo Rocket!"
- 43."¡La Supervivencia Del Gimnasio Striaton!"
- 44."¡Hasta Luego, Mis Mejores Deseos!"
- 45."¡El Sueño Continua!"
- 01. "Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!"
- 02. "Chase In Lumiose City!"
- 03. "A Battle of Air Mobility!"
- 04. "An Astonishingly Insolent Friendship!"
- 05. "A Stormy Gym Battle In Santalune!"
- 06. "A Battle on Thin Ice!"
- 07. "At the Stake in the Rhyhorn Race!"
- 08. "Styling Furfrou!"
- 09."¡Clemont Tiene Un Secreto!"
- 10."¡El Embrollo Del Mega Mega Meowth!"
- 11. "Lost in the Bamboo Forest!"
- 12. "Catch the Pokémon Smuggler!"
- 13. "Kindergarten Chaos!"
- 14. "Seeking Shelter From the Storm!"
- 15. "The Craving of Battle!"
- 16. "An Electrifying Exchange!"
- 17. "A Burst Of Ninja Wisdom!"
- 18. "Wake Up The Sleeping Giant!"
- 19. "A Conspiracy to Conquer!"
- 20. "Challenging the Nobility of the Bastion!"
- 21. "A Pokevision of Things to Come!"
- 22. "In Search of Gold!"
- 23. "Back to the Cold!"
- 24. "Climbing The Walls!"
- 25. "A Battle By Any Other Name!"
- 26. "A Fairy Flower!"
- 27. "The Links of Evolution!"
- 28. "Heroes - Friends and Enemies Alike!"
- 29. "¡Mega Revelations!"
- 30. "The Cave of Challenges!"
- 31. "The Aura Storm!"
- 32. "Calling Beyond The Aura!"
- 33. "The Links of Mega Evolution!"
- 34. "The Champion of the Forest!"
- 35. "Battles in Heaven!"
- 36. "The Cave of Mirrors!"
- 37. "Forging Friendships in the Forest!"
- <-------------- Pokémon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction ------------->
- 38. "Summer of Discovery!"
- 39. "Third Day Hits!"
- 40. "Vague Pokémon Guidance!"
- 41. "Fighting to Get to the Hall of Fame!"
- 42. "The Origins of Mega Evolution!"
- 43. "Shalour Gym Showdown!"
- 44. "Heirs and Rivals!"
- 45."¡Wigglytuff Aquieta El Caos!"
- 46. "Dreaming An Artist's Dream!"
- 47. "A Campus Meeting!"
- 48."¡Bonnie La Defensora!"
SEASON 18: XY – Kalos Expeditions
- 49. (01). "The road to the presentation as a couple!"
- 50. (02). "When light and darkness clash!"
- 51. (03). "A confidential challenge!"
- 52. (04). "A race home!"
- 53. (05). "Confronting the grand, evil plan!"
- 54. (06). "A slippery encounter!"
- 55. (07)."¡Una para gommy!"
- 56. (08). "Melting a freezing panic!"
- 57. (09). "The green green home of the plant types!"
- 58. (10). "Under the tree of promise!"
- 59. (11). "An exhibition debut!"
- 60. (12). "¡An oasis of hope!"
- 61. (13). "The future is now, thanks to determination!"
- 62. (14). "A fork in the road! Paths parting!"
- 63. (15). "Fighting with elegance and a big smile!"
- 64. (16). "Good friends, great training!"
- 65. (17). "Confronting the darkness!"
- 66. (18). "Lumiose's moment of truth!"
- 67. (19). "Garchomp's Mega-Link!"
- 68. (20). "Defending the home!"
- 69. (21). "Beyond the rainbow!"
- 70. (22). "So you're having a bad day?!"
- 71. (23). "A fearsome hospitality!"
- 72. (24). "¡A battle a la moda!"
- 73. (25). "Fairy-type strategies!"
- 74. (26). "Rivals Today and Tomorrow!"
- 75. (27). "A not so graceful start!"
- 76. (28). "A relay in heaven!"
- 77. (29). "Fiasco in the frenetic factory!"
- 78. (30). "An exhibition with fierce charm!"
- 79. (31). "Rotom's Wish!"
- 80. (32). "An exchange at the festival! Farewell at the festival?"
- 81. (33). "On the snow mountain!"
- <-------------- Pokémon the Movie: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages ------------->
- 82. (34). "Adventures doing assignments!"
- 83. (35). "Mending a broken spirit!"
- 84. (36). "A Legendary photograph!"
- 85. (37). "The little caretaker!"
- 86. (38). "A trip down memory lane!"
- 87. (39). "A fun find in flowers!"
- 88. (40). "Double Battle Inspiration!"
- 89. (41). "Lights! Camera! Pika!"
- 90. (42). "Introduction trivia!"
- 91. (43). "A cloudy destiny, a bright future!"
- 92. (44). "Looking to the future!"
- 01."¡De la A a la Z!"
- 02. "When Love Attacks, Eevee Runs Away!"
- 03. "A giga battle with mega results!"
- 04. "A fierce initiation rite!"
- 05. "Dream a little with me!"
- 06. "The legend of the ninja hero!"
- 07. "A festival of decisions!"
- 08."¡Un debut de baile!"
- 09. "An encounter in the Terminus Cave!"
- 10. "A cellular connection!"
- 11. "A windy encounter!"
- 12. "¡A fiesta de baile!"
- 13. "The meeting of two paths!"
- 14. "An explosive operation!"
- 15. "A watershed in the forest!"
- 16. "Master Class Elections!"
- 17. "An electrifying fury!"
- 18. "Opening doors to admiration!"
- 19. "Master Class is in session!"
- 20. "A path to the future presentation!"
- 21. "Are you really perfect?"
- 22. "¡Luchando a todo volumen!"
- 23. "The synchronicity test!"
- 24. "Making friends and inspiring villains!"
- 25. "A research match with the Champion!"
- 26. "Surprise battle with maximum strength!"
- 27. "A frozen battlefield!"
- 28. "Seeing the forest through the trees!"
- 29. "Breaking the ice!"
- 30. "¡Un diamante en bruto!"
- 31. "An arsenal of amazing gadgets!"
- 32. "¡Una league for Ash!"
- 33. "A valuable experience for everyone!"
- 34. "Analysis vs. Passion!"
- 35. "A fascinating rivalry!"
- 36. "Passion in the Kalos League and the origin of Flare!"
- 37. "The final is not for the weak!"
- 38. "Towards an intense finale!"
- 39. "A power grab in the Tower!"
- 40. "Dreams that crumble!"
- 41. "The right hero for the right job!"
- 42. "Shaking the Defenses of Kalos!"
- 43. "Forming a more perfect union!"
- 44. "Fighting from scratch!"
- 45. "The first day of the rest of your life!"
- 46. "Addressing everyone's needs!"
- 47. "See you compete again!"
- <-------------- Pokémon the Movie: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel ------------->
SEASON 20: Sun and Moon
- 01. "Alola to a new adventure!"
- 02. "The Guardian's Challenge!"
- 03."¡Cargando el Dex!"
- 04. "First capture in Alola, Ketchum style!"
- 05. "Cheer up! Come on, Popplio!"
- 06. "Adventure in the supermarket!"
- 07. "That's why Litten is a thief!"
- 08."¡El desafío de Lillie!"
- 09. "Defeat the dominant Pokémon!"
- 10. "Test and complication!"
- 11. "¡Kiawe tenia una granja!"
- 12. "The sun, the scare and the secret lair!"
- 13. "Running towards a big event!"
- 14. "Getting to know you better!"
- 15. "Rockin' on Clawmark Hill!"
- 16. "One bubbling adventure!"
- 17. "A crystal clear case!"
- 18. "In search of seasoning!"
- 19. "A Guardian Revenge!"
- 20. "Companion promises!"
- 21. "One journey ends, and another begins!"
- 22. "The chilling search for a shovel!"
- 23. "¡Se reune la banda!"
- 24. "The Alola Exhibit!"
- 25. "A team brawl!"
- 26."¡Adiós Sophocles!"
- 27. "A dazzling rivalry!"
- 28. "Pokémon baseball-style low ball!"
- 29. "Brought to the land of sleep!"
- 30. "Changing partners!"
- 31. "The Island Charmer!"
- 32. "¡Búsqueda del tesoro, Akala style!"
- 33. "A big sky and a little fish!"
- 34. "The moment of ultimate truth!"
- 35."¡Un favor con sabor a curry!"
- 36. "Test and determination!"
- 37. "Coming out of the ruins of life!"
- 38. "¡Mimikyu desenmascarado!"
- 39. "Mallow and the Forest Master!"
- 40. "Balloons, Brionne, and bellicosity!"
- 41. "An electrifying race!"
- 42. "¡Alola, Kanto!"
- 43. "When regions meet!"
SEASON 21: Ultra Aventuras
- 44. (01). "A Meeting of Dreams!"
- 45. (02). "Now you see it, now you don't!"
- 46. (03). "Keeping up appearances!"
- 47. (04). "A masked warning!"
- 48. (05). "The night of a thousand poses!"
- 49. (06). "Mission: Recover memory!"
- 50. (07). "Faba's Revenge!"
- 51. (08). "Family determination!"
- 52. (09). "Legendary Revelation!"
- 53. (10). "An unwanted rescue!"
- 54. (11). "Ten million reasons to fight!"
- 55. (12). "The teachers' new adventure!"
- 56. (13). "Leave the sleepy Pokémon alone!"
- 57. (14). "RotomDex can't help it!"
- 58. (15). "Try not to cry!"
- 59. (16). "Tasting the sweet with the sour!"
- 60. (17). "Starting a height competition!"
- 61. (18). "A mission of ultra urgency!"
- 62. (19). "Actuando fiel a la forma!"
- 63. (20). "Crossing the fiery limits!"
- 64. (21)."¡Ash y Passimian! ¡Un touchdown de amistad!"
- 65. (22). "Attracting attention and training hard!"
- 66. (23). "Remate en el esquema!"
- 67. (24)."¡Amor a primer giro!"
- 68. (25). "Work experience, we're hiring!"
- 69. (26). "Launch, shining ship!"
- 70. (27). "The young woman calls defender!"
- 71. (28). "¡Atrapado a Lana!"
- 72. (29). "Bitter sweetness!"
- 73. (30). "Don't you want to give me a Z ring?/li>
- 74. (31). "The Tough Guy Test!"
- 75. (32). "Lazy training!"
- 76. (33). "A battle made to order!"
- 77. (34). "Guiding the awakening!"
- 78. (35). "A twist and a bang!"
- 79. (36). "An unforgettable meteor shower!"
- 80. (37). "Battle under pressure in the cave!"
- 81. (38). "A new royal flame lights up!"
- 82. (39). "Evolution Dance!"
- 83. (40). "Faba, you shrunk the children!"
- 84. (41). "Poipole's Feelings!"
- 85. (42). "Aim before you jump!"
- 86. (43). "I choose Pokémon vacations!"
- 87. (44). " Filler the light with darkness!"
- 88. (45). "An enveloping darkness!"
- 89. (46). "The prism between light and darkness!"
- 90. (47). "Securing the future!"
- 91. (48). "The Pikagroup Pokémon!"
- 92. (49). "The other masked Royal!"
SEASON 22: Ultraleyendas
- 93. (01). "Lilliel and the Scepter of Alola!"
- 94. (02). "A haunted house for everyone!"
- 95. (03). "A sparkling confusion!"
- 96. (04)."¡Stufful y el Equipo Rocket!"
- 97. (05). "A new rival, the Kahuna's grandson!"
- 98. (06). "Bright lights, big dreams!"
- 99. (07)."¡Bienvenido, Eevee!"
- 100. (08). "Battle against the giant!"
- 101. (09)."¡Amistades paralelas!"
- 102. (10)."¡Alola, Alola!"
- 103. (11). "Heart of fire, heart of stone!"
- 104. (12). "A spicy investigation!"
- 105. (13). "Confrontation on Pony Island!"
- 106. (14). "Evolutionary training!"
- 107. (15)."¡Corre, Kiawe, corre!"
- 108. (16). "Memories in the fog!"
- 109. (17)."¡Un gran debut!"
- 110. (18). "Keep your eyes on the ball!"
- 111. (19). "Show me the metal!"
- 112. (20). "A friendship with Meltan!"
- 113. (21)."¡El momento de Magikarp!"
- 114. (22)."¡La bella y el Meowth!"
- 115. (23). "The Bringer of Destruction!"
- 116. (24). "La princesa secreta!"
- 117. (25). "Gone with the Breeze!"
- 118. (26). "Aiming for the highest floor!"
- 119. (27). "New perception at maximum speed!"
- 120. (28). "Save the legendary mariner!"
- 121. (29). "A recipe for success!"
- 122. (30). "Spying for the boss!"
- 123. (31). "The Hot Boot Camp!"
- 124. (32). "Living on the edge of danger!"
- 125. (33). "An unexpected encounter beyond time!"
- 126. (34). "The exciting adventure of Pikachu!"
- 127. (35). "Chasing memories, creating dreams!"
- 128. (36). "Attackers and defenders in the Pokémon League!"
- 129. (37)."¡Batalla Royal 151!"
- 130. (38). "Friends and rivals!"
- 131. (39). "The battlefield of love and truth!"
- 132. (40). "Admiration for Decidueye: Imitation Strategy!"
- 133. (41)."¡Batalla aérea!"
- 134. (42). "The road to the semifinals!"
- 135. (43). "The last four!"
- 136. (44). "The competition is on fire!"
- 137. (45). "The wisdom of not running away!"
- 138. (46)."¡Rivales finales!"
- 139. (47). "The arrival of the champion!"
- 140. (48). "Z Move Combat!"
- 141. (49). "Exhibition unmasked!"
- 142. (50). "A Spectacular Battle!"
- 143. (51). "Burning surprises!"
- 144. (52). "A Z move for every occasion!"
- 145. (53). "Dreaming of the Sun and the Moon!"
- 146. (54). "Thank you, Alola! The journey continues!"
POKEMON 2019 (1–136)
SEASON 23: Travel
- 01."¡Presentando a Pikachu!"
- 02. "Legend? Come on! Friends? Come on!"
- 03. "The mysterious tower of Ivysaur!"
- 04. "Fighting a Scorbunny!"
- 05."¡El alucinante Dynamax!"
- 06. "The Way Back to Mew!"
- 07. "¡Presentando la Copa Flauta!"
- 08. "The Sinnoh Iceberg Race!"
- 09. "Finding a legend!"
- 10. "A test in paradise!"
- 11. "The best friend... The worst nightmare!"
- 12. "Fight of the Titans!"
- 13. "The way to be the best!"
- 14. "A raid on the ruins!"
- 15. "A day of searching in the snow!"
- 16. "A chilling curse!"
- 17. "Projecting until you reach tomorrow!"
- 18. "Destiny: The Coronation!"
- 19. "A talent for imitation!"
- 20. "Dreams are made of this!"
- 21. "¡Cuidando un mystery!"
- 22. "Goodbye, friend"
- 23. "Panic in the park!"
- 24. "Team Rocket's Vacation!"
- 25. "A festival gathering!"
- 26. "Splash, jump and fight for the crown! / Slowking's coronation!"
- 27."¡Resistiéndolo!"
- 28."¡El sollozante Sobble!"
- 29. "There's a new kid in town!"
- 30. "Betrayed, dismayed and troubled!"
- 31. "The cuteness quotient"
- 32. "Once after another!"
- 33. "Trade, lend and steal!"
- 34. "Lonely and threatening!"
- 35. "You have to catch a what?"
- 36. "Creating battles in the arena!"
- 37. "My new old friends!"
- 38. "Restore and renew!"
- 39. "Octoparalysis in the gym!"
- 40. "A sparkling raid!"
- 41. "Performing Pikachu! / Up to the neck!"
- 42. "Sword and shield! The Oniria forest!"
- 43. "Sword and shield! The black night!"
- 44. "Sword and shield! From here to Eternatus!"
- 45. "Sword and Shield! Legends Awaken!"
- 46. "A battle better than expected!"
- 47. "Crowning the best eater!"
- 48. "A perfect plan... Practically!"
SEASON 24: Master Journeys
- 49. (01). "To train or not to train!"
- 50. (02). "A pinch of this, a pinch of that!"
- 51. (03). "The trials of a budding teacher!"
- 52. (04). "How are you going to get them away from the farm?"
- 53. (05). "¡Sanando al sanador!"
- 54. (06). "Lights, cameras, reaction!"
- 55. (07). "The tale of you and the lumininth forest!"
- 56. (08). "In search of gallantry!"
- 57. (09). "Memories of warm kindness!"
- 58. (10). "Rolling with the Gulpins! / Looking towards the goal!"
- 59. (11). "When a house is not a home!"
- 60. (12). "Beyond gallantry, seeking to be a leek master!"
- 61. (13). "Service with a smile wanted!"
- 62. (14). "Too close for comfort!"
- 63. (15). "On land, at sea and into the future!"
- 64. (16). "Absolutely absolved."
- 65. (17). "War of the Titans!"
- 66. (18). "In search of the white flower!"
- 67. (19). "In search of the truth!"
- 68. (20). "Goh's Decision!"
- 69. (21). "Running orders!"
- 70. (22). "Take my thief away, please!"
- 71. (23). "Jumping into the dream!"
- 72. (24). "Underground exchange!"
- 73. (25). "Taking the place of the leader
- 74. (26). "A Midsummer Night's Nightmare!"
- 75. (27). "Light on a summer night
- 76. (28). "Be extreme all the time!"
- 77. (29). "Ultra-exciting from the electrifying beginning!"
- 78. (30)."¡Detetive Drizzile!"
- 79. (31). "Day and night are one!"
- 80. (32). "The test of the gold scale!"
- 81. (33). "Crazy for blue!"
- 82. (34). "The sweet taste of battle!"
- 83. (35). "Starry night, star flight!"
- 84. (36). "An adventure of mega proportions!"
- 85. (37). "Battle three against Bea!"
- 86. (38). "A battle of mega versus maxi!"
- 87. (39). "Breaking the ice!"
- 88. (40). "Taking care of the number!"
- 89. (41). "Teleportation Portals!"
- 90. (42). "Encounter at the interdimensional portal!"
SEASON 25: Ultimate Journeys
- 91. (01)."¡El expreso espectral!"
- 92. (02). "The turbulent road to greatness!"
- 93. (03). "It's all in the name!"
- 94. (04). "The adventures of a Pinsir in love!"
- 95. (05). "The good, the bad and the luck!"
- 96. (06). "Lighting the way home!"
- 97. (07)."¡Un favor con sabor a curry!"
- 98. (08). "Get out of the elements!"
- 99. (09). "Battle to the eleventh power!"
- 100. (10). "Meeting with the monarch!"
- 101. (11). "The wonder of a single stick!"
- 102. (---12). "Battling in the Freezing Raid!"
- 103. (13). "The Future is Now, Thanks to Strategy!"
- 104. (14). "Taking Two For The Team!"
- 105. (15). "Reuniting for the First Time!"
- 106. (16). "Radio Lulled the Mischievous Stars!"
- 107. (17). "Big Brother to the Rescue!"
- 108. (18). "Catching the Aura of Fate!"
- 109. (19). "Aim for the Eight!"
- 110. (20). "Narrowing the Chaser Chase!"
- 111. (21). "The Homecoming Crown!"
- 112. (22). "Helping the Hometown Hero!"
- 113. (23). "Chasing to the Finish!"
- 114. (24). "Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Spirit!"
- 115. (25). "Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!"
- 116. (26). "Pride of a Champion!"
- 117. (27). "The Fiery Road to Mastership!"
- 118. (28). "Battling as Hard as Stone!"
- 119. (29). "Koharu and Eievui - The Miracle of Evolution"
- 120. (30). "Infinite Possibilities!"
- 121. (31). "The Climax Begins! Satoshi's Masters Tournament Experience!!"
- 122. (32). "It's... Champion Time!"
- 123. (33). "Bewitch, Battle, and Bewilder!"
- 124. (34). "Valor: A Strategic Part of Battling!"
- 125. (35). "Whittle While You Work!"
- 126. (36). "GO FOR DREAM! Go's Road to Mew!!"
- 127. (37). "Just a Scone's Throw From Here!"
- 128. (38). "Climax! The Night Before the Decisive Battle! Satoshi VS Dande!!"
- 129. (39). "A Flood of Torrential Gains!"
- 130. (40). "Toying With Your Motions!"
- 131. (41). "Paring Pokémon While Parrying!"
- 132. (42). "Partners in Time!"
- 133. (43). "The Mew from Here!"
- 134. (44). "In the Palms of our Hands!"
- 135. (45). "Heroes Unite!"
- 136. (46). "These Could be the Starts of Something Big!"
SEASON 26: Horizons
- 01."The Pendant of Beginning, Part 1"
- 02."The Pendant of Beginning, Part 2"
- 03."As Long as I'm With Nyahoja, I'm Sure"
- 04."A Passed-Down Treasure"
- 05."I Found You, Hogator"
- 06."The Ancient Monster Ball"
- 07."Special Training! Captain Pikachu"
- 08."Mystery of the Unopening Door"
- 09."Arrival in Paldea!"
- 10."With Nemo and Colza"
- 11."Oliva's forest"
- 12."The Future I Choose"
- 13."A Sudden Picnic"
- 14."Fly! Kaiden!!"
- 15."It's Someone You Can't See! Whosawhatsit?"
- 16."As Long As I'm With Kuwassu"
- 17."Kaiden and Hogator: Secret Training!"
- 18."Flying Pikachu, Soaring High!"
- 19."The Truth About Mawhip"
- 20."Kabu's Battle Training"
- 21."The Lonely Mibrim"
- 22."Clash! Galar Mine"
- 23."Burning Galar Fire"
- 24."Reunion at the Old Castle"
- 25."Rivals in the Dark Night"
- 26."Terrapago's Adventure"
- 27."As Long as I'm with My Friends"
- 28."The Stolen Treasure"